
The animal transportation specialist website underwent a renovation to enhance various features while ensuring that the company's branding remained intact and key selling points were highlighted to boost conversions. With a focus on providing exceptional services for both owners and their pets, the revamped website aimed to create a user-friendly and informative experience.

One of the notable features of the new website was a visually appealing slide show. This dynamic element allowed the company to showcase images of their transportation vehicles, facilities, and satisfied customers with their pets. The slide show served as an engaging visual tool, capturing the attention of visitors and effectively communicating the quality and professionalism of the services offered.
To improve navigation and accessibility, a drop-down menu was incorporated into the website. This menu provided a clear and organized structure, allowing users to easily explore different sections of the website and find the information they needed. By streamlining the user experience, the drop-down menu enhanced the overall usability of the website.

Throughout the renovation process, great care was taken to maintain the company's branding. The website design elements, color scheme, and overall aesthetic were aligned with the existing branding guidelines. This consistency ensured that the company's image remained recognizable and reinforced its established identity in the industry.